Thursday, February 26, 2009

My First Week of intership

Describe your mentor and the environment in the office you’re working.
My mentor in the nursing floor she is white, she had yellow hair and she is struck , and one in the patient transport she is black, she love makeup, and she is very lovely.

Describe your first thoughts when you arrived at your internship.

My first thoughts when I arrived at my internship I was thinking that my mentor will make me visit the section that I was supossed to work, let the patients know that I'm voluntering .

Describe your first day, from the first minute you arrived to the minute you left.

My first day, from the minute I arrived I was doing a lot of work. I was changing water for the patients, paying manything that thay wanted out side.

What are your goals for internship?What skills do you hope to gain?

My goal for internship is to help patient to make them fell better, ad always take them to the lobby

I was doing many type of jobs. I was organizing paper in order, given water to the patients, baying anything that they want outside

For the second part of your first blog, write a list of questions you are having about your internship so far. Don’t be afraid to ask any question. You can address your questions to me or to your mentor.

Friday, February 13, 2009

My first post EVER

Hi everyone
Munday 23 i will begun my internship for the first time in my life. I wish to complete many things during my internship.