Thursday, March 26, 2009

Weekly Vocabulary

1. Word / Phrase: IV

Meaning: Into a Vein

Context: I heard a nurse say a patient should change her IV

2. Word / Phrase:Stretcher

:is a medical device used to carry casualties or an incapacitated person from one place to another.

My Mentor told me to take back the stretcher in the first floor.

3. Word / Phrase:Arduous

Meaning: Demanding great effort

Context: The doctor work arduously

4. Word / Phrase:Poignant


Context: I see a person fell very poignant because he lost her wife

5. Word / Phrase:lobby

Meaning:is a room in a building which is used for entry from the outside

Context:I take the patient to the lobby each Tuesday and Thusday

Thursday, March 19, 2009

my fourth day of internship

What is it?
It is a hospital

What kind of business is it and what kind of work do the professionals do there?
the kind of business people do is a lot, because there is many different type of doctors and types of job Example nursing, patient transport, etc.....

Where is it? What is the neighborhood like compared to where our school is?
the hospital is in MANHATTAN 170 West 12th Street, NY, 10011. The neighborhood like to work hard and get money.
Tell a little about your mentor.

What kinds of things have you done so far?
The kinds of thing I have done so far is to help the patients, make them feel like they are in their houses.

What were some of the highlights of the fourth week? (Memorable moments, cool things, incredibly difficult things...)
The highlights of the fourth week was very exiting because I get to learn new skills and how to interact with people. But some time it is hard because in the nersing floor they don't give us job and I find it difficult for me to stay there for 4 hours and I don't do nothing

When do you leave school?
I leave at school at 11:40

How long does it take you to get to your internship?
It take me 1 hours to take to my internship

When do you arrive at home?
I arrive at home at 6 pm

What is your schedule? (What days do you work and for how long each day?)
I work Monday, Tuesday, and thurday. I work for each day 4 hours.

Who are the two people that can sign your time card? (Your mentor and the additional person)
Each day that I go to the hospital the person that have to sign my time card is my mentor

Part 3

How was the fourth week different than the third week?
There is no different between my third week and my fourth week because I do the same job everyday.

What is something that you really like about the internship?
Something I really like about my internship is to help the patient, and the people that I work with are very nice.

What is something you dislike about the internship?
I don't like the nursing floor because they don't give me something to do and I have to write in my blog I don't write nothing important about the nursing floor. That floor make me boring

Who else's blog have your read and commented on?
I never know that I have to read and comment a blog. But like I know it I will do it now.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

My third week of Internship

Today is my tird week of internship some time I find it borring and sometime exiting but I really love my inetrnship side.

what have you been doing?
In the nursing floor I was talking to patient, read some books to them, and some time to make them fell like they are in their houses. And the Patient transport I was taking people to their floor like ASU2 this is one name of of floor that I'm working. When I go there, I go with a wheelchair to take the patient and bring them to the lobby. And also take strecther in the transportation and bring in the the first floor because the strecther doesn't belong to the transportation. And when there is no a patient that is ready to be take in the lobby I filly some papers

Are you working alone or with a group of people?
I'm working with a other person

Who are you working with?
I'm working with one of my friend at school and she isAissatou

In what kind of space are you working?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My second Weeks of Internship

In my second weeks of internship In the nursing floor I was talking with patients because they been there for so long and they fell lonely. So I went to talk to them to make them fell better. I was also changing the water for them. In the patient transport I was taking the patient to their nursing floor and I take them to the lobby, and the patients fell very happy to go back to their houses.

The lesson of the history that you tell us is that if an student went to his/her internship is to work not to play and even if you mentor took to you badly you don't have to say that you want to change side because teenager face many problem. I think a best way to explain your mentor what you did for the end of the day is to write in a journal to remember everything you did so when you mentor will ask you what you did you will not be afraid or forget all the thing you did for the day. To be able to record all the thing that I have been learning and doing in my internship is to write in a journal when I will be in the train so that will help me to remember when I will star to explain everything that I did in my intership