Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Final Refflection

What were you goals? Did you meet these goals?
My Goal was to interpret with patients and learn all the technique to be doctor and learn oll the word that is need to be done in a office. Exactly I did not meet my Goal in the hospital. But in the office I did meet my Goal
2. What are the most important things you've learned?
The most important thing that I learn in the hospital is that people really need help. They need people to make them fell like they are home because there are no other place more than home. And I learned in the office that if you are working in a office you need to work solowly and done you work neet.
3. In what ways have your grown as a student/young adult?
The way that I learn that I grow as a young adult is because I done thing by my self and no help of other people.
4. Describe a memorable moment or experience.
the memorial moment of my internship is when I get a gift in my internship site. I will always keep the gift to remember Saint Vincent Hospital.

5. What challenges did you overcome?
The challenges that I overcome is that no one in the hospital care about me. It's like I'm a stranger in the hospital. Even if I wanted to run away I could do it, but I did not care I was there to meet my goal and not care about other people who work there.
6. What advice would you give a new intern at this site? Your answer to this question will be used next year with the upcoming juniors.
The advice that I would give for the intern next next year is that is not what you always what you want to have you will get. The most important is that to do your work and finish all your our.
7. What will you miss about your internship?
What I would miss in my internship is one of my patient. He was so nice and we use to play game so that I will make him fell that there are always people around him. Sometime also he use o ask me question about History and science. HE always tell me to focus at school.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

11. Word / Phrase: Preoperative

Meaning: The time period describing the duration of a patients


12. Word / Phrase:Pancrea

Meaning:The organ in the body that produces insulin and substances which help to digest food so that it can be used by the body is called Pancrea

Context: I remember last year that I learned in science class about Human body and we pronounced the word pancrea

13. Word / Phrase: Lump


Context:I have a strange lump on my arm.

14. Word / Phrase: Rash

Meaning: Allergic reaction which makes your skin go red

Context:When she used the soap her skin came out in

15. Word / Phrase: Bruise

Meaning: when the skin goes blue and yellow

Context:He has a bruise just under his eye.

16.Word / Phase:Spot

Meaning:Red mark on the skin

Context:When he was a teenager he had a lot of spots."

17.Word /Phase:Scab

Meaning:Dry skin that forms over a cut

Context:Don't pick at your scab - you might make it bleed.

18. Word / Phase:Sprain

Meaning:Twist a part of your body

Context: My ankle looks swollen, but it's only a minor sprain

19.Word /Phase:Bump

Meaning: When you hit yourself and get a slight swelling:

Context:I bump my head on the desk

20.Word / Phase:Boil

Meaning: Infected swelling with liquid inside it

Context: You'll need to go to the doctor to have that boil lanced

Mentor Interview

1. What is your full name?
Her full name is Patricia Cusack

2. Where are you from (city, state, country)?
She is from Pennsylvania

3. Where did you go to college? For how long? Do you plan to go back to school?

Under graduate school in Ohio Dominican University for three years. No she don't plan to go back to school.

4.What kind of degree did you earn? Did you attend graduate school for an advanced degree? If yes, what degree and where?

She earned two Master degree. First degree in Xavier University. Second Master Columbia University in New York City. She attend graduate school for an advanced degree. She earned doctor degree.

5. Why did you choose your professional field?
She choose her profession field because she taught she can make difference in the field of education

6. What got you involved in this field of work? What inspired you to do it?

She get involved in this field of work because she wanted to make health care education and bring her background education to health care

7. Why did you choose this particular job at this particular company?

she choose this particular job at this particular company because she wanted to work in a Catholic hospital like Saint Vincent hospital.

8. How long have you worked here?

She have been worked here for 14 years

9. What is your job title?
Her job title is Director of volunteer services.

10. What do your duties include? Or What kinds of work does your job involve?

Her duties include Administration, directing the entire department.(100 volunteers)

11. What are some of the challenges you have faced working here?

Some of the challenges she have faced working here is that she don't have to much staff, she need more space.

12. What is the best part of your job?

the best part of her job is that all the different kind of people who are so generous and helping people.

13. What is something you would like to change about your job?

something she would like to change about her job is a full time Rickert keeper

14. Did you work somewhere else before this job? Where? For how long? How was that similar/different?
She had worked somewhere else before this job. She was working before in Columbus Soho. She was an assistance of supper. It was similar because she was managing and still managing. It is different because she was in charge of people who was employer.